Favorite food drafts

Favorite meal

Thinking back through the whirl winds of time of all the sizzling mouth watering meals that have meaning to me there is only one that still holds and will always hold a significant spot in my heart and in my past. It may not sound like much to you or any one else but barbecue chicken pizza hot out of a brick pizza oven is a safety food to me. Its been there every Friday night after every good week and after every bad one. It holds a place in my soul because of what it represents, and because of who shares this sacred dish with me.

Every Friday night up until recently I’d come come after a long day of doing what ever it is I was doing that day with my mother in the kitchen and a crispy smell that would tease your nostrils with spices and a strong cooked poultry smell dancing through the air. This meal of meals always meant the the same thing it meant getting to sit on my couch in my basement watching movies with my mother the only parent I’ve ever really had, the person who put me before everything after my father was murdered she didn’t break down and wallow in her own problems she stepped up went back to school and got her doctoral degree in physical therapy she got a second job to give me anything I could of ever wanted. Not only did she work two jobs  she made time for me she drove me to all of my athletic commitments and she was at every game. My mother is my personal hero there isn’t a thing she wouldn’t do for me. It also just so happens that this was her favorite meal growing up as well, to her this dish is a happier time when things where easy when we had everything and nothing was wrong. “ The Friday night tradition of pizza started when i was a kid we didn’t grow up with much money and this was the big purchase of the week”( Larkin Patricia) growing up with two sisters and one brother there was never much money especially seeing they where all athletes. Between all the injury’s, new sports equipment needed, cloths, school supplies, and food there was never much extra money and just like for me Friday night pizza meant relaxing with the people that mean the most to you. This is the reason its not only mine but my mothers favorite meal. When prompted by the question why do you think I enjoy this meal so much my mother replied sharply with “ you like this meal because it represents family time and because it’s a constant”(Larkin Patricia). She couldn’t be any more correct having something to look forward to at the end of the week something that is a constant that I know won’t change is a huge driving force for me I personally hate change it is my crypt-tonight it stresses me out and makes me panicked. 

The most memorable pizza night I ever got to enjoy was that of about 5 years ago on Halloween, it started snowing when we left to go get the pizza with a friend that I was seeing in the first time in almost 3 years. After about 10 minutes into the drive the snow picked up hard, it was coming down fast and thick we couldn’t see the road. When we finally got to the little family owned restaurant named Supreme there was a foot of snow already accumulated on the ground, we grabbed our pizzas got back in the car and took a 40 min drive down the 15 mile road back to my house. When we finally got back there was a total of 3 feet and the snow was still coming down. Instead of pizza with a movie then trick or treating the power went out and and an announcement came on the emergency channel on the battery powered radio announcing Halloween to be postponed. That night we got pizza and board games by the flickering light of 4 small vanilla scented candles.

It may not seem like much to you or any one else but Friday nights have always been my night with my mother and extremely close friends. The pizza over all doesn’t mean anything its just a atomic filler to keep the people I’m with happy for me its being surrounded by those people, its sitting down and ignoring the craziness of life for a night. Those corny fruity nights of talking and joking with each other will always be part of me because those are the nights i lived for.



Edward Upton

Jesse Miller

September 17, 2018


A past time everyone enjoys, something that humans do for fun and make competitions of it. Eating food, real food, the kind of food that leaves a warm feeling in your chest giving you pure satisfaction, will never disappear. People are always creating new foods that are better for you and they claim this and that its backed up by this nutritionist and that doctor but they never truly phase anything out of the human menus. This being said soylant won’t be able to either, as described in the article The End of Food this basic drink of pure nutrients has a very bland look and taste of watered down pancake batter. Rob Rynheart (the creator of soylant) has no intention of making it any more delectable either, He finds it to be a waste of time and energy to make imitation for you if you’re going to make it healthier why put the time and effort into making it look like something people already like. From the way he talks you can tell he’s vary scientific mind set every problem he looks at he looks at it like it can be solved with technology he’s a very clean very in order OCD type of working man doesn’t understand the messier side of things that are necessary.

In the paper that I wrote, the dissolution revolved around how a special meal brought me  and my family and friends closer together. Rob Rynheart  claims he’s not trying to phase out the family meals “we’ll see a separation between our meals for utility and function, and our meals for experience and socialization.” (Rob Rynheart) I personally find it hard to believe that one meal, no one drink could be enough to satisfy the wants of all people especially a drink that gives the “sensation that I was taking sips from a bowl of watered-down pancake batter.”(Lizzie Widdicombe)  Having actually food in front of you is also nice because if you have nothing to say you talk about the food. Some of the best meals most memorial meals are the ones that mean nothing to any one but you and the people your with and that’s exactly what one of the most memorable meals I have ever had the night I had pizza with a friend that I ran into that I hadn’t seen in almost 3 years. Half the time these nice meals aren’t planned it just happens you all see each other at a restaurant and sit down laugh together catch up with old story’s, share memories try bites of other peoples food see if you like it. Have a good meal over eat to the point of having an extended stomach feeling like you are about to pop, and argue over who is treating who and who is going to cover the tip. Many people can and probably will argue exactly what I said in my paper “The pizza over all doesn’t mean anything its just a stomach  filler to keep the people I’m with happy for me its being surrounded by those people, it’s sitting down and ignoring the craziness of life for a night”( Meal Analysis Essay). It’s not the food you’re eating that matters its who you’re with but can any one honestly say, Ya I would love to go sip on an odd mixture of nutrients that has no real taste. The argument that food isn’t part of the experience is so far off from the truth that it’s laughable, when its cold out and you are with your friends or after a long hard day you don’t say I need a nice cool drink no you say I cant wait for a hot meal or some nice coco something to leave a warm feeling in your gut. 

The only tempting thing to me about this bitter sounding drink is the idea of not having to work out to get in better shape. In fact as I discussed  the issue of what the ups and downs of soylant are with my roommate this was the determining factor on us trying a one months program of just soylant, for me I’ll probably go with the month of March seeing its already a dreary month and if this con-caution actually does what it says It’ll help drop the winter weight fast. Not to mention to feel healthy and look as if I’m glowing in a month that everyone dreads because its the time of year wear everyone is sick of the gross weather and there feeling gross It should also help me personally feel happier because when I am in shape and feeling strong it leads to an all around better day. The idea of this product is brilliant to a point it could solve world hunger as well as the meal nutrition problem in America but to last on a diet like this is going to be hard because food is a factor that fills your day and keeps the time moving alone it’s like marker points in a video game, it gives you energy to push through to the next meal its a motivator. If soylant where to take off (I really don’t think it will) those who chose to try this are gonna miss out on different experiences trying new cultural foods. Not to mention the holiday meals if people are drinking this year round there body’s may get to use to it so when they stop to try to eat normal food there body’s would have an extremely hard time process  the fats and all of the extra carbohydrates. It would also tank the fast food industries making it so there wouldn’t be a need for cattle farms or any other meat producing farm. With out meat farms corn farmers and grain farmers would also become obsolete because about three fourths of the products from these types of farms go to feeding the animals that supply the burger joints and etc. it would also hurt the major beverage companies because if its really that filling its already a drink in and of itself so people wouldn’t have the need to drink Pepsi products or Nestly or any of those big wigs they would all lose business. If this where to happen it would put a huge dent in our economy, and in our current state that might be the thing that sparks the powder keg that we are right now with all the new movements and push back on these movements, all the new genders and people stuck in there own ways not excepting anything new. 

Soylant could be the best thing to happen in a lot of peoples lives, it could be the solution to a lot of current and future problems, although I don’t believe it will be the “notion that we can nourish ourselves with something purer and more effective than food has long been part of our collective fantasy life.”(Lizzie Widdicombe) If Soylant does take off I don’t think it will be my cup of tea. I enjoy the memories that a certain dish or meal will bring back to you, I like the easy bonding that takes place when you grab a bite to eat with some one and simply talking to them.





